Thursday, March 13, 2008

How important do you think spelling is?

Have a chat to a student these days and you will find that most of them almost always rely on spell check. I think that spelling is terribly important for everyone. The topic should be taken seriously and we all should try and correct our misplaced capital letters or the odd missing full stop. Furthermore when people are reading a CV and they come across an error or punctuation laps how is that going to help them pick that recipient. It would certainly lower their status and probably the paper would be put at the bottom of the pile. Back in the day spelling was considered very important, it was a very vital tool in life and people were expected to be good spellers. However now with all this “new technology” like computers and spell check, the sense of this old expectation has completely changes

Do you think the Harbour Bridge should have cycle lanes?

I think that the Auckland harbour bridge should have cycle lanes because it would benefit New Zealand workers and student’s everywhere. Infact all different types of people would be able to use this resource. Instead of using cars the cycle lane would enable people to save our planet and help that rather big topic that has been popping up in news these days. Global Warming. Indeed by not travelling in cars we would be able to prevent fumes that would usually be locked up in our ozone layer.

Also another very important reason that we should have cycle lanes on the harbour bridge is because it will help people to get fit and stay healthy. Auckland would be a less combusted place because some people would take the initiative and come to work on a bike. Keeping fit and saving our planet this would be a very beneficial plan for the future of Auckland city

What do You Think?

Aroha-The Pouhutakawa tree by Bruce Mason (Drama Extract)

Just sitting there the lady demanded attention. Her bulging eyes were intense and filled my suspicious wonders with truth. She had seen many scenes like this and controlled every word from every single mouth. How could she do it with such dignity and pride? She was so respected and honoured by all her people yet they feared her actions and words that seemed to always revolve around her and her god. She laced her hands on her lap and had a posture as straight as a ruler. Her eyes were knowledgeable and carried many questions and worries of the land. What was she thinking? One could only imagine the pain and suffering deposited in her heart. She had fought for her land and people and still people try to pull her down. As she started her speech her wrinkles seeped through her cheeks and her eyes glistened with superiority. She talked with confidence and truth although I could hear the under tones in her voice that consisted of worry and heart break. Could she lead her people to victory or would she go down with them and loose the battle for everyone. A strong woman she was but many people thought of her as too proud. Although she was short she was noted tall because of her big hopes and power over our land.

I was inspired To write about this character as It will help me in Drama as well.I think that Aroha is a very complex and interesting role to play and i wanted to expand my knowledge of her inside and out.

Wizard Alfred [Creative Description]

His hands controlled powerful things that many universes had seen the talents of. They controlled feelings, emotions and people. He had the power to change lives for good or evil, he would decide. Many men with this power seem to always be manipulative, merciless and life destroying Wizard Alfred was no different. His purple cloak eased charisma as he worked his crystal ball. With fingers that had seen many magical spells he chanted away on his lasted whim. His beard was as long as the Milky Way and as white as a puffy cloud. No magician would be able to live without his hat. Wizard Alfred’s hat was tall and enchanted with secrets from many worlds. It was infact always quite scary to be in his supernatural realm especially with eyes as piercing as a moon on a cool summer night.

The Man In The Corner [Creative Description]

Every morning I would always go to town to collect the day’s bearings for my family and start my work. Everyday was no different as my eyes followed the road they were always drawn to the corner at the end of the street. Why was that man there? Did no one care for him? I could almost see the pain and suffering in his heart portrayed as a mask on his face. Shielded from the world he was always pressed up against the wall. Blending in I sometimes wondering if he was even there. With a high pitch and serial sound he would whistle and hum some ancient tune. I suspect it was what his family taught him. Was he mad or lonely -that was always the question racing through my mind? Footsteps passed and window glances always came to pass but he never seemed to care. The memory that he could hold onto was the only reason he remained sitting there

Mr Hobson [Creative Description]

The murky skies sent piecing images to my eyes. Eariy silences filled the air as I stared at Mr Hobson’s old car. Innocent to the death he was tragically murdered to the joyful yelps of his merciless killer. The car screamed terror and I could almost see the re-enactment in front of me. How could this happen I thought to my-self as my mind painted the scene that took place last night. Smelling the burnt rubber and terror I closed my eyes and tried to make the pain disappear. But it was always there, haunting me and it seemed that every ounce of happiness was drained that night. How could someone kill such a kind and caring man and get a way without consequences and suffering. As the skies turned a charcoal Grey, they filled my eyes with running water. Rain started as I too wept for Mr Hobson.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tea Hughs

I think that the most influential part of Tea Hughes life would definitely have to be his First wife committing suicide and taking their Childs life too. This is an absolutely horrible thing and it would definitely influence him to write deep lyrics. This action is an extremely life changing experience and it changed his writing style and out look on life. From this experience it changed his life forever and this reflected on how he expressed himself through his writing and poetry. I also think that things as serious as this cannot be forgotten so it would have taken him a long time to stop blaming himself. What writers often do is seek refuge in their words. This is probably what he would have felt like doing. Depressed poetry was written but also happy pieces of writing, as he wanted a break from his life in the real world. To forget about his bad experiences he wrote happy words as well to help him feel better. Mostly I think that this event was the most influential event of his life because without them all he had was his words. His whole life shattered, with no wife or children. It would be madness. This tragic event would help him grow as a writer and as a person. Other events in his life such as the start of World War 2,being in the air force, his job and moving alot could also have an important role in how he wrote. But I do that the loss of his child and wife was hand down the most influential part of his life

Monday, March 10, 2008

Bleeding Love By Leona Lewis(Creative Writing Technqiues)


Closed off from love I didn’t need the pain Once or twice was enough And it was all in vain Time starts to pass Before you know it you’re frozen But something happened For the very first time with you My heart melts into the ground Found something true And everyone’s looking round Thinking I’m going crazy But I don’t care what they say I’m in love with you They try to pull me away But they don’t know the truth My heart’s crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open Trying hard not to hear But they talk so loud Their piercing sounds fill my ears Try to fill me with doubt Yet I know that the goal Is to keep me from falling But nothing’s greater Than the rush that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness I see your face Yet everyone around me Thinks that I’m going crazy, maybe, maybe But I don’t care what they say I’m in love with you They try to pull me away But they don’t know the truth My heart’s crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I.... Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open And it’s draining all of me Oh they find it hard to believe I’ll be wearing these scars For everyone to see I don’t care what they say I’m in love with you They try to pull me away But they don’t know the truth My heart’s crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I.... Keep Bleeding I keep keep bleeding love...


Found in The lyrics , this song has many poetic techniques. Firstly there are many repeated words.In most songs repitition is the main essence. For example;a chorus is a repeated musical idea with the same words to match.The word”Bleeding” is used a number of times to emphasise the artists pain and suffereing. Another technique is rhyming,mainly In the verses the wqords rhyme on the last bword every second line .Metaphors are also used. For example;my heart melts into the ground” and “My heart is crippled by the vien that I keep on closing”. This song has very descriptive and powerful lyrics that are combined with repitition,metaphors and rhyming.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hyperbole Cartoon

Here is my Hyperbole.This image is a direct exaggeration of hunger as Obviously a person cannot eat a horse.I divided this picture to show the two ideas being demonstrated.