Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tea Hughs

I think that the most influential part of Tea Hughes life would definitely have to be his First wife committing suicide and taking their Childs life too. This is an absolutely horrible thing and it would definitely influence him to write deep lyrics. This action is an extremely life changing experience and it changed his writing style and out look on life. From this experience it changed his life forever and this reflected on how he expressed himself through his writing and poetry. I also think that things as serious as this cannot be forgotten so it would have taken him a long time to stop blaming himself. What writers often do is seek refuge in their words. This is probably what he would have felt like doing. Depressed poetry was written but also happy pieces of writing, as he wanted a break from his life in the real world. To forget about his bad experiences he wrote happy words as well to help him feel better. Mostly I think that this event was the most influential event of his life because without them all he had was his words. His whole life shattered, with no wife or children. It would be madness. This tragic event would help him grow as a writer and as a person. Other events in his life such as the start of World War 2,being in the air force, his job and moving alot could also have an important role in how he wrote. But I do that the loss of his child and wife was hand down the most influential part of his life

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